RE/MAX Little Oak and myself have been contributing to Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation for many years. We have a fund called W.I.T. which stands for Whatever It Takes. This fund takes care of things such as parking passes for the hospital, medication, training, meals for families staying at the hospital, and a variety of other things.
It is uplifting to see the positive effect when many members of my company can come together and donate together to make a difference. Here are two recent stories I would like to share with everyone.

#1 - Newborn baby in the neonatal intensive care unit, born at just 26 weeks gestation, life threatening circumstances, the parents are considered low income and were required to take CPR Training in order to help their baby. We donated $150.00 from the RE/MAX WIT (Whatever It Takes) Fund to help this family with their CPR Training.
#2 - 13 years old boy diagnosed with diabetes, his family just moved here from Ireland and they do not have their MSP yet, he needed medication immediately, we donated $396.21 towards his first months medication.